The time that makes me tired not only the body also heart because of the changeable weather..
After a lecture, in extra time, I saw a friend listening to music by MP3 player.
He wasn't so close to me, but he always looked positive in every second.
I got wondered what music he was listening to so I asked him to listen it together.
He told me that he went to 'the Church of God' and the music is called 'New Song'.
Its melody felt like warm sunshine of mother and there was the word 'Heanvenly Mother' in the lyrics.
'Heavenly Mother!!' I couldn't help being surprised.
When I led a religious life hard, I had wondered why there wasn't 'God the Mother' but was 'God the Father'.
Also, in Gen 1:26~27, God said, "Now we will make humans, and they will be like us. We will let them rule the fish, the birds, and all other living creatures." So God created humans to be like himself; he made men and women.
Appearantly, God said "we" not "I".
And It had been too difficult to understand that man and woman were made after God's shape.
I asked the pastor of the church where I was going, but he told me off not to try to understand the bible deeply.
No one answered me clearly.
That's why I got so surprised cause of the word 'Heavenly Mother' of that song.
Like the original and its replica, there were both male and female God as the original of human beings.
More surprising fact is that I could find the clue about God the Mother from the bible, not only Gen chap.1 also so many verses.
And I could understand, through the bible, that 'Mother' would come this earth in this last day not 2000yrs ago.
As every creature can get the 'life' from its mother, we can be given our spiritual life by 'God the Mother' who has the eternal life. And through the baptism, we can rebirth as the children of 'God the father' and 'God the mother'.
Jesus Christ taught us the way..
The most pleasant thing is that I could find the answer of the question I had wondered,
and also, others say that it is a coincidence but I think God led me to 'the Church of God'
whice has the answer of 'heavenly mother'
Now, I can feel 'Heavenly Mother' who gave me the blessing of baptism and her evidence.
I'm a newly baptised son but I can feel our MOTHER's LOVE that always with me and make me strong in silence.
by kimpdworld