2012년 2월 8일 수요일

Church of God#God the Mother-A lavish love

World Mission Society Church of God believe Chirst Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.
The whole world has been touched by God the Mother's sacrifice and a lavish love

God the Mother of Sacrifice and Love

The Bible says that God is love.
Until we have got where we are today,there have been God the Father who establish the new covenant -the truth of life- through His sacrifice and God the Mother who spares no effort to lead us to the eternal Kingdom of heaven even at this moment.
♥A lavish love
A long time ago, a teacher and his student made a long journey in order to obtain enlightenment.
While walking along the road, they discussed about what the greatest love in the world is.
When they arrived at a village, many human bones were found heaped up together.
A sudden accident or disaster had probably over taken the whole Village.
Looking at So many human bones laying twisted and tangled up together,the teacher seemed suddenly struck by a through,and asked his students if they could find a woman's bone among those bones.
His stridents just looked at one another's faces,unable to select a Woman's bone easily.
Then the teacher picked up one of the bones, and said it was the bone of a woman.
His students asked how he could recognize a woman's bone so easily among those numerous bones.
The teacher explained the reason to them as follows;
"Think about a woman's life first. when she is yonng,She is always treated as less than a man just because she is female.
when she gets married and becomes pregnant, She provides all the nourishment in her body to her Unborn baby.
when she gives birth to her child, She has to shed blood.
Moreover,when she breast-feeds her baby,all the nourients in her body are passed on to her child @through her breast milk..
Since she does so, how can the nutrients remain in her bones? Such a bitter and Sacrificial life of a woman has made her bone light and dark like this. "
A mother is the one who gives unconditional love to her children. She only gives her children everything he has.
Why is the life of every mother on this earth so devotional? Why did God make a mother into sch a sacrificial being?
A mother continuously tries to give everything to her children with careful concern for them, wishing them to succeed and prosper in life, even though she herself suffers a lot. This love and sacrifice is the nature of a mother.
I believe that God has put the spirit of love and sacrifice in the hearts of mothers on this earth because it is the spiritual nature of our God the Mother.

                                                                  Church of God