2010년 3월 8일 월요일

Biblical Knowledge - History of Israel 2(Church of God believe in God the Mother

▶ 5. Period of the Kings
In the period of Samuel, who was the last judge, the people asked God to set a king over them, and God set Saul, a Benjamite, as king (1 Samuel chapters 11-13).

After Saul was on the throne 40 years and died in a battle against Philistines (Ac 13:21, 1 Sa 31:1-13), David became king and ruled 40 years (2 Sa 5:4).

After David died, his son Solomon became king and ruled 40 years as well (1 Ki 11:42).

▶ 6. Period of the Separated Kingdoms

(ref. The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life chap. 8 「The Mystery of the Passover」)

After King Solomon died, Israel was divided into two, Judah in south ruled by King Rehoboam and Israel in north ruled by King Jeroboam (B.C. 975, 1 Ki 12:1-24).

(1) Israel in north

Israel indulged in idolatry from the beginning and incurred the wrath of God. It was destroyed by Shalmaneser king of Assyria in the 255th year after its establishment (B.C. 721, 2 Ki 17:1-18).

All the people were deported to a far area (2 Ki 17:6), and instead many other peoples moved in Samaria (2 Ki 17:24).

(2) Judah in south

Judah did not follow God's commandments faithfully, but it could be protected by God (2 Ki 18:21-19:37) by keeping the Passover in the period of King Hezekiah (2 Ch 30:1-27). Afterwards it was protected for about 100 years.

▶ 7. Time of the Babylonian Exile and Return From the Exile

Judah knew that Israel was destroyed because they treated God's decrees and laws with contempt. However, Judah didn't try hard to serve God and sometimes ignored God's decrees and laws. So God delivered it into the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar, and let it know God's true will.

(1) Time of the Babylonian Exile → When Judah was taken captives over three times (1st time in B.C. 606, 2nd time in B.C. 597, 3rd time in B.C. 586,) God prophesied through Jeremiah that they would be back to Judah after 70 years.

(2) Return to Jerusalem from Babylon → As God had prophesied, Babylon was destroyed by Media-Persia, and in the 70th year after the Jews became captives, God moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia, and Cyrus made a proclamation throughout his realm and put it in writing that the Jews might go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD. The Jews gave thanks and praises to the almighty God and returned to their home country to build the temple (1st time in B.C. 537, 2nd time in B.C. 457, Ezra chapters 1-3).

(3) Judah was a tributary to Media-Persia. It became a tributary to Ptolemy dynasty (of Egypt) due to Alexander's expedition to India and Greek disruption into 4 dynasties, and a tributary to Seleucid dynasty next. While they were a tributary to Seleucid dynasty, Greek idols were introduced into the temple, and the temple was almost trampled on. However, it got independence and secured the autonomous rights in the end. In B.C. 63, it became a tributary to Rome because it brought Rome in its internal dispute.

Rome set Herod as a king of Judah. When Herod was still king, Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judah.

▶ 8. Jesus' Birth and Jerusalem's Fall and Restoration

The Jews didn't receive the Christ who came to save them. They crucified Him on the cross and persecuted the Christianity.

They rose many revolts against Rome to be independent. However, Israel was destroyed in A.D. 70 by Titus, a general of Rome. One million and one hundred thousand people died; ninety-seven thousand people were taken captives; and the rest were scattered among the nations and became wanderers as a stateless people. It became independent by England's help in 1948 when the 2nd World War was over.

Israel's independence lets us know the time of Jesus' second coming and it also shows us that the time of the spiritual Israel to return home is very near.

♡ Christ Ahnsahnghong & Jerusalem Mother ♡
World Mission Society Church of God(WMS COG)

Christ Ahnsahnghong came to Korea, at the ends of the earth in the east, and restored the new covenant.
The truth of the new covenant has been spreading rapidly throughout the country. As a result, over 400 branch Churches have been established nationwide in the past half century.

All the Churches celebrate the feasts of God including the Passover of the new covenant, and speedily carry out the gospel work according to the prophecy of the Bible.

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